District of Nipissing
2023 By-Laws

2023 By-Laws

By-Law 2023-735 Agreement with Call 2 Recycle 2023-01-12
By-Law 2023-736 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-01-12
By-Law 2023-737 Shore Road Allowance Aylen Lake 2023-02-01
By-Law 2023-738 Interim Tax Billing 2023-02-01
By-Law 2023-739 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-02-01
By-Law 2023-740 Deeming By-Law 2023-03-02
By-Law 2023 741 Zoning By-Law Amendment 2023-03-02
By-Law 2023-742 Confirming By-Law 2023-03-02
By-Law 2023-743 Establish 2023 Expenditures and Revenues 2023-04-05
By-Law 2023-744 Tax Ratios 2023-04-05
By-Law 2023-745 Tax Rates 2023-04-05
By-Law 2023-746 Shore Road Allowance Aylen Lake 2023-04-05
By-Law 2023-748 Confirming By-Law 2023-04-05
By-Law 2023-749 Tax Capping Options 2023-05-03
By-Law 2023-750 Repeal By-Law 2023-740 2023-05-03
By-Law 2023-751 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-05-03
By-Law 2023-752 Signing Officer 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-753 Speed Limit By-Law Major Lake Road and Aylen Lake Road 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-754 Municipal Dog Pound 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-755 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-756 Appoint the Division Registrar and Deputy Division Registrar 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-757 Deputy Issuer Registrar for Marriage Licenses 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-758 Shore Road Allowance Transfer By-Law 2023-09-21
By-Law 2023-759 Shore Road Allowance Transfer By-Law 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-760 All Terrain Vehicle By-Law 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-761 Part-Lot Lift By-Law 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-762 Minimum Maintenance Standards By-Law 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-763 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2023-07-11
By-Law 2023-764 Confirm the Proceedings of Council 2023-08-17
By-law 2023-765 Amend Speed Limits Spectacle Lake Road 2023-10-06
By-law 2023-766 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2023-10-06
By-law 2023-767 Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy 2023-10-06
By-Law 2023-768 Schedule of Fees By-Law 2023-11-01
By-law 2023-769 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-10-06
By-Law 2023-770 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-11-01
By-Law 2023-771 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2023-12-12
By-law 2023-772 Rental Agreement – 9 Post Street 2023-12-12
By-Law 2023-773 Road Maintenance Agreement between Twp and MOECP 2023-12-15
By-Law 2023-774 Appointment of Committee of Adjustment 2023-12-12
By-Law 2023-775 PCA Agreement 2024-02-20
By-Law 2023-776 Memorial and Dedication Policy 2023-12-12
By-Law 2023-777 Parking on Roads By-Law 2023-12-12
By-Law 2023-778 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2023-12-12

This Article can be found on the following pages: By-laws, you may find other valuable infomation there.
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