District of Nipissing


The Township of South Algonquin welcomes well-planned development in our community. The mandate of the Building Department is to help protect the public and the environment by ensuring that all new construction is done to a required standard.

Staff review permit applications, issues permits, and conduct inspections in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Building Code Act, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and other applicable laws.

Chief Building Official/By-law Enforcement Officer | Michael Anderson

Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 207
Cell: 613-334-2305
Email: cbo@southalgonquin.ca

Application to Construct, Demolish and Septic

Complete the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish found below and attach the following:

  1. Copy of a Site Plan that includes any other structures, wells, septics, distance from lot lines and if applicable distance from any waterbodies or creeks.
  2. Two copies and an emailed copy of structural drawings showing construction method. Architectural or Engineered plans are required for all Industrial/Commercial Buildings, and any buildings more than 600 sq. ft. or 3 or more floors. See Part 1- Division C, Table of the Ontario Building Code for more information.
  3. Approvals or permits required from other Authorities (e.g. Ministry of Transportation if your property is along Highway 523, Highway 127 and Highway 60. Visit the MTO website listed below for further information.
  4. Any Applicable Fees (see link to fees below)
  5. Any other information specified by the Chief Building Official

Note: Information that you enter in the form cannot be saved, so it is important to PRINT the form once you have entered all the information. The form can then be submitted, along with all other required information, by mail or in person.

Authorization of Owner(s) to Act on Behalf of a Home Owner 2013-12-20
Application for Construction, Demolition, Septic 2022-01-31
Calculation Sheet 2024-08-21

MTO Highway Corridor Management – Online Services

Building Permit Fees

How long does it take to get a building permit?

The application process should be started well ahead of when you plan to start the project.

To avoid delays you should ensure all of your submission is complete along with applicable fees. Property owners are encouraged to pre-consult with the building department prior to submitting your application.

Division C-Part 1, Table of the Ontario Building Code provides timelines for municipalities within which a permit is to be issued or denied. In most cases the timeline is 10 days, however larger classes of buildings allow municipalities longer timelines.

Projects that Require a Building Permit

Under the Ontario Building Code Act, a building permit is required to construct demolish, renovate, alter, install or change the use of a building. The following is examples that require a building permit prior to construction.

  • Sheds outside dimensions exceeding 160 ft2, or 15m2.
  • Other accessory structures exceeding 108 sq. ft. or 10m2 (guest cabins/bunkies, gazebos etc.)
  • Additions to existing buildings or structures, including decking/stairs
  • Renovations that involve structural framing.
  • Replacement of doors or windows if the opening size is altered.
  • Repair or replacement of all types of building foundations.
  • Swimming pools and fence enclosures.

Projects that DO NOT Require a Building Permit

The following examples are work that does not require a building permit however, you must still comply with the Township of South Algonquin’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law and, if applicable the Ontario Building Code.

  • A shed is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit, provided that the shed,

a) is not more than 15 m2 in gross area,

(b) is not more than one storey in building height,

(c) is not attached to a building or any other structure,

(d) is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot, and

(e) does not have plumbing

  • Fences.
  • Replacement of plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, bathtub, shower, hot water tank) in their original location.
  • Replacement of doors and windows provided the opening size is not changed.
  • Replacement of shingles or other roofing materials. However, if you are replacing or adding new roof trusses or changing from shingles to steel or vice versa a building permit is required.

Note: Zoning By-Law requirements must be followed.

What happens if I build without a permit?

As a property owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that a building permit is obtained, even if you’re hiring a builder or contractor. If you’re unsure whether you need a permit, contact the Building Department to find out.

Fees for building without a Building Permit are equal to a permit fee or a minimum $100.00. Penalties of up to $50,000 upon conviction for illegal construction may apply per the Ontario Building Code Act.

Open Building Permits

If you have an open building permit, you are required by law* to notify the Building Department for an inspection.

It is also in your best interest to do so, as having an open building permit may affect the following:

  • Future real estate transactions
  • Mortgage financing.

Please contact the Building Department to arrange an inspection of your property.

*Ontario Building Code Division “C” section

Demolition Permits

A Demolition Permit is required to demolish any building that is larger than 10 square metres (108 sq ft) or any part of a building that is attached to an existing structure. A Demolition Permit Application is the same application as the Building Permit Application.

In addition to an application and the permit fee, the Building Department requires  the following:

  • A site plan showing the location and setbacks of the building being demolished in relation to the lot lines and other buildings and structures on the lot; and
  • Information on where and how the demolition material will be disposed.

When obtaining a demolition permit, a property owners may apply to the CAO/Clerk Treasurer for the cancellation, reduction or refund for all or part of taxes levied in the year in respect of which the application is made.  Application Form – Adjustment of Taxes (Accessible) can be found below.

Landfill Site Disposal Fees can be found in By-law 20-619 Schedule of Fees – see link below.  Additional fees apply if access to a Landfill Site is required outside of regular operational hours. Contact the office at least one day prior to the day you wish to access a Landfill Site outside regular operational hours. Staff will do our best to accommodate the request, however there is no guarantee the requested day will be granted due to the availability of the Works Department Staff.

Form 357 – Adjustment of Taxes 2009-10-01
By-law 20-619 Schedule of Fees 2020-06-03

Septic Searches

The Township of South Algonquin may be able to retrieve septic system information for systems that were previously installed. Please complete the Septic File Search Form and forward the completed form along with $100.00 file search fee to the Township Office.

Septic File Search Form 2024-06-27

Septic Permits

In accordance with Part 8 – Sewage Systems of the Ontario Building Code all new septic systems, alterations or repairs requires a permit.

The following is the required information to apply for a Sewage System Permit:

  • Completion of Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish (incorrect or missing information may result in delays).
  • A detailed drawing is required by the installer (not sketch).
  • Permit fee.
  • A test hole must be dug and approved by the Inspector prior to commencement of work.

Septic Permits Fees

Septic System Permits and Inspections

Certificate of Approval for a Class 2 sewage system (grey water system) $350.00
Certificate of Approval for a Class 3 sewage system (receive from Class 1 system) $350.00
Certificate of Approval for a Class 4 sewage system (leaching bed) $600.00
Certificate of Approval for a Class 4 sewage system (filter media) $600.00
Certificate of Approval for a Class 5 sewage system (holding tank) $475.00
Replacement of tank $350.00
Replacement of leaching bed $350.00
File Search (per file) $100.00
Subsequent File Search/Additional Information Requested $50.00
Permit Renewal $100.00


Status of Permit – Application

Percentage of Fee Eligible for Refund
Application filed. No process or Review of Plans submitted 80%
Application filed.  Plans reviewed and Permit issued 50%

Other Permits and Approvals

Electrical permits and inspections fall under the jurisdiction of the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). It’s the responsibility of the homeowner or builder to contact the ESA for proper approvals.

An entrance permit is required to install a new entrance on your property, to change the location of an existing one, or to install a second entrance. Entrance approvals are handled by the Public Works Department. If the entrance is on Highway 60, Highway 127 or Highway 523, the Ministry or Transportation is the approval authority.

New civic addresses (9-1-1 numbers) for vacant lots are acquired through the Public Works Department.

Community Emergency Management Coordinator | Aurel Thom

Phone: 613-637-5533
Cell: 613-334-5018
Email: cemc@southalgonquin.ca

Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Waste Disposal and Landfill Site Fees

Proof of demolition permit or proof of civic address number must be provided.

Type of Service


Brush, sorted construction and demolition waste from within the geographic boundaries of the Township. Half Ton Truck/Van with /without Small Trailer if brought in by resident NO CHARGE
Wood Chips from within the geographic boundaries of the Township. Half Ton Truck/Van with/without Small Trailer if brought in by resident. NO CHARGE
Tires and Shingles from within the geographic boundaries of the Township brought in by a resident NO CHARGE
Mattresses, box springs and fabric-covered furniture with metal frames or springs e.g. couches, loveseats, sofa chairs $5.00 per piece
Boats/Vessels (Residents are exempt from this fee for a registered vessel with proof of ownership and for vessels rated less than 10hp if it is brought in by the resident) $5.00/foot
Entry into Landfill Site during non-operational hours (Applies to contractor or resident)

Unauthorized landfill site entry during non-operating hours is prohibited.

If more than one after-hours entry is required, arrangements can be made to have the Landfill Attendant remain on site for the initial entry fee plus per hour rate (Applies to contractor or resident) $30.00/hr

Commercial Contractor Construction/Demolition Waste and Brush

Half-ton truck/van and small trailer (residents are exempt from this fee if brought in by resident) Sorted $5 • Unsorted $20
Large trailer Sorted $30 • Unsorted $120
Single axle Sorted $50 • Unsorted $200
Tandem Sorted $80 • Unsorted $320
Tri-axle Sorted $120 • Unsorted $500
Contaminated soil $30.00/tonne plus cost-recovery of required equipment


Septic File Search Form 2024-08-21
By-law 2023-768 Schedule of Fees 2023-10-06
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