District of Nipissing


Access to local government is an important and valuable part of our democratic process. If you have information that you would like to present to all members Council, you can do so in the public forum of a Council meeting.

If you would like to appear before Council, complete Schedule A of the Township’s procedural by-law “Delegation Request Form” and sumbit it to the Deputy Clerk. Staff will determine, based on the context of the information you provide the best meeting time and date and whether the delegation should be at a committe or council meeting.

Since agendas are prepared almost a week prior to Council meetings, delegations must also be booked with the Deputy Clerk at least a week prior to a meeting date. Any documentation, letters, slide shows or drawings to be presented to Council are to be provided to the Deputy Clerk, preferably in electronic format, within the same time frame so they can be included in the Council agenda package. Handouts are not permitted on the day of Council since that doesn’t give Councillors or staff enough time to review, research or provide useful comment.

Certain issues may not be permitted to be discussed in a public meeting. These include issues about identifiable individuals (i.e. complaints about a person or business), legal matters in which the municipality is involved, and issues that are outside the purview (i.e. neighbour disputes). A discussion with the Deputy Clerk will help navigate this territory.

A delegation is not a roundtable discussion with Council members. A delegation provides an opportunity for the public to provide information. Councillors may ask questions of the delegate and then Councillors will discuss the issue among themselves. Council meetings are conducted in accordance with the Municipal Act and the Procedural by-law which includes protocols, conduct and expectations.

To appear before Council, please contact the Deputy Clerk.

CAO/Clerk Treasurer | Bryan Martin

Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 202
Cell: 613-334-5923
Email: clerk@southalgonquin.ca

Delegation Request Form 2020-08-19
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