Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 207
Cell: 613-334-2305
Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 203
Official Plan
The Township Official Plan is a policy document adopted by council under the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act. It sets out policy that guides all planning applications to ensure that new development meets the needs of the community.
Official Plan Township of South Algonquin 2016-03-18
Official Plan Amendment
An Official Plan Amendment can be applied for if a property owner wants to use or develop their property in a way that is in conflict with the Township Official Plan. Property owners wishing to apply for an Official Plan Amendment should submit a Pre-consultation Form prior to submitting a formal application.
Pre-consultation Form 2021-07-27
Application for a Official Plan Amendment 2021-12-15
Zoning By-law
The Comprehensive Zoning By-law implements Official Plan policies. It states the uses of land in the community, where buildings and other structures can be located, the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used, setbacks from streets, property lines and waterbodies.
Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2017-527 2022-01-18
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 1 – 25272 Highway 60 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 2 – 6 Galeairy Lake Road 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 3 – 14 Major Lake Road 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 4 – 25150 Highway 60 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 5 – 52A &52B White Pine Lane 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 6 – 25231 Highway 60 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 7 492 & 502 Boundary Lane 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 8 21 Hilltop Crescent 2024-10-03
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 9 – 903 McRae-Hay Lake Road 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 10 102 & 103 Grouse Lane 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 11 – 25397 Highway 60 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 12 26797A Highway 60 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 13 – 45 Church Hill Street 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 14 – 20 & 22 Douglas Lane 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment Amendment No. 15 Housekeeping Amendment Various Properties 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 16- 145 & 161 Algonquin Street 2024-05-08
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 17 Additional Residential Units 2024-07-22
Zoning By-Law Amendment No. 18 Short-Term Rental Accommodations 2024-07-22
Zoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment can be applied for if property owners want to use or develop their property in a way that is not permitted by the Zoning By-law. It is recommended that you pre-consult first with staff prior to submitting an application.
Application for Zoning-By-law Amendment 2018-03-21
Plan of Subdivision
The Township is the approval authority for Plan of Subdivision. Property owners wishing to apply for a Plan of Subdivision should submit the Pre-Consultation Form prior to submitting the formal application.
Pre-consultation Form 2021-07-27
Application for a Plan of Subdivision 2021-12-15
Committee of Adjustment
The Township’s Committee of Adjustment has the authority to grant Consents and Minor Variances under the Planning Act.
Citizens Guide to Minor Variance and Consents 2017-07-19
Minor Variance
A minor variance is applied for where a property owner wishes to construct, renovate, or alter a building or structure in any way that does not meet the requirements of the Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law For example, you may want to construct a building on your property but the minimum setbacks, lot coverage or height cannot be met.
A minor variance does not change the zoning of a property. It will only allow for minor relief from specific requirement of the By-law in order to obtain a building permit.
Application For Minor Variance 2021-09-24
The most common consent applications are if a property owners wishes to create a new lot (divide land, severance), add land to a neighbouring lot (lot addition), create one or more rights-of-way (easements). It is a requirement to submit a Pre-consultation Form prior to submitting a Formal Application for Consent.
Pre-consultation Form 2021-07-27
Formal Application for Consent 2022-09-02
Municipal Shore Road Allowances
Most waterfront properties within the Township of South Algonquin have a 20 metre (66 foot) wide strip of land that separates them from the water. These “Shore Road Allowances” were put in place in the late 19th century, on Crown land, to allow for logging and the transportation of goods.
Shore Road Allowances still exist today, and unless title to a portion of the allowance has been purchased by an abutting property owner, it is owned by the municipality. This means that a property owner may not own to the water’s edge, and therefore may be limited in what they can and cannot do on it.
Provincial legislation allows municipalities to sell such road allowances, except any portions of the allowance which are covered by water. There’s an application process to purchase the shoreline road allowance abutting their property and land owners who wish to do so should first speak with the Municipal staff about their plans.
Shore Road Allowance Closure Application and Sale Policy for Abutting Owners 2017-09-11
Shore Road Allowance Fees
Application Fee (non-refundable) | $595.00 | |||||
Deposit (non-refundable) | $100.00 | |||||
Patent fee (if applicable) | $750.00 | |||||
Purchase of frontage costs – per lineal foot | $5.00 | |||||
Purchase of frontage costs – per metre | $16.50 | |||||
All other fees associated therewith, advertising, title search, etc. | Cost recovery |
Planning Fees
Schedule of Planning Fees
Pre-consultation Application Fee | $50.00 |
Pre-consultation with the Township Planner | Cost Recovery |
Consent Application Fees | $500.00 |
Minor Variance | $400.00 |
Site Plan Application | $500.00 |
Zoning By-law Amendment | $700.00 |
Official Plan Amendment | $700.00 |
Amendment to Zoning By-law and Official Plan | $1,400.00 |
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium | $1,000.00 |
Site Inspection Water access: any inspections, if adequate, safe transportation is not provided by permit holder | $100.00 |
Advertisement | Cost of ad |
Administration Fees | $50.00 |
Official Plan, Zoning, Building, Subdivision Compliance Report | $50.00 |
Copy of Official Plan | $20.00 |
Copy of Zoning By-law | $25.00 |
Any extra costs pertaining to any of the preceding shall be borne by the property owner/applicant.
Notice of Passing Zoning By-Law Amendment # 2024-801 Additional Residential Unit (ARU)
Notice of Passing Zoning By-Law Amendment – Short -Term Rental Accommodations
Public Meeting – Draft Short Term Rental Licencing By-Law
Short-Term Rental Licencing By-Law 2024-11-05
Site Plan Control
Site Plan Control By-Law 2024-11-22
Site Plan Control – Application Form 2024-11-22
Schedule of Fees By-Law 2023-768 2023-11-01Meetings and Events
via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details
Township of South Algonquin Municipal Office, Council Chambers -- Also via Zoom and YouTube Channel Live view meeting details