The Building and By-law Enforcement Department is responsible for the enforcement of by-laws passed by Council for the Township of South Algonquin.
Typical issues that are dealt with include:
- Illegal dumping
- Animal licensing and control
- Zoning By-law violations (e.g. trailers on vacant lands, building without a permit)
Our most commonly requested By-laws and Policies can be viewed below as well as the procedure for submitting By-law Complaints.
If you require information or would like to discuss one of these items, the By-law Officer is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
By-law Complaints
By-law complaints can be submitted by email or by submitting the complaint to the township office in writing, by mail or in person.
Complaints will be accepted only if the following information is provided:
- Complainant name, address and telephone number.
- Location (address) of the occurrence.
- Description of complaint, including the date, time and details of the occurrence.
In addition to the By-law Enforcement Officer, complaints can be submitted to the following staff members:
Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 207
Cell: 613-334-2305
Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 203
Email Public Works:
Email Building/Planning:
By-laws: General Information and Most Frequently Requested
The Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes Ontario municipalities to create and enforce by-laws and policies to maintain the health, safety and wellness of their community.
Our most frequently requested by-laws and policies are available for download, below. To view a by-law or policy passed prior to 2007, please contact the Township office.
*By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. When available, consolidated versions including the original by-law and any subsequent amendments are combined. For accurate reference, contact the Deputy Clerk for copies of the official by-laws and documents.
For more information, Contact
Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 202
Cell: 613-334-5923
Frequently Requested By-laws and Policies
By-law 20-619 Schedule of Fees 2020-06-03
By-law 16-517 Waste Management 2016-11-03
By-law 12-430 Keeping of Dogs 2012-12-06
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Plan 2012-11-19
Accountability and Transparency Policy 2008-07-07
Employee and Volunteer Police Records Check Policy 2008-07-09
Library of By-laws