Books and other materials are available for loan to all persons with a valid membership card.
Public libraries are required by law to adhere to the Public Libraries Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990, chapter P44 which states in Section 23 that library boards shall allow the public to reserve and borrow circulation material free of charge.
The public includes all residents within the municipality for which the library board is established. Persons residing outside the area but owning property, working in, or attending schools in the area, shall be considered residents.
Library access is available to persons other than property owners, on the terms described below.
Resident Membership
Library membership is free to residents of, and property owners in, the Township of South Algonquin.
Junior Membership
Residents 12 years of age and under will be registered as junior members of South Algonquin Public Library. Parents or Guardians must co-sign the membership to acknowledge responsibility for use of library services and borrowed materials. Junior membership allows use of all aspects of the library’s collections and services.
Out-of-Township Members
Persons who do not reside, or own property, in the Township may obtain a library card for an annual, non-refundable fee.
Temporary Membership
Membership shall be granted to persons residing in the Township of South Algonquin on a temporary, seasonal or holiday basis. Both the temporary and the permanent address will be recorded in the library files. A fee will be collected, the amount of which will be equal to that of the Out-of-Township membership fee.
Membership Fees
Annual fees for non-residents shall be set from time to time by the library board. Temporary/Out of town membership fees are now set at $10 for 3 months or $30 for the year. According to key ratio statistics from 2014, the per household contribution to the Library was $30 per year. This is a standard formula that many Ontario Libraries use to determine temporary fees.
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