District of Nipissing
Entrance Permits

Entrance Permits

An entrance permit is required to install a new entrance on your property, alter or change the location of an existing one, install a second entrance or pave an existing entrance. An application is required even if the entrance is temporary. Entrance approvals for Township roads are handled by the Public Works Department. Entrance permits for Highway 60, Highway 127 and Highway 523 are the responsibility of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.

All entrances will be in accordance with the township Entrance Policy.

Applicants are required to print and complete the Entrance Permit Application form below, and submit it, with the application fee and drawing to the Township office.

Fees related to entrance permits can be found in the Schedule of Fees By-law.

By-law 20-609 Entrance Policy 2020-03-04
By-law 20-619 Schedule of Fees 2020-06-03
Entrance Permit 2024-06-05

Ontario Ministry of Transportation

This Article can be found on the following pages: Transportation, you may find other valuable infomation there.
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