The Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes Ontario municipalities to create and enforce by-laws and policies to maintain the health, safety and wellness of their community.
Our most frequently requested by-laws and policies are available for download, below. To view a by-law or policy passed prior to 2007, please contact the Township office.
*By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. When available, consolidated versions including the original by-law and any subsequent amendments are combined. For accurate reference, contact the Deputy Clerk for copies of the official by-laws and documents.
For more information, Contact
CAO/Clerk Treasurer | Bryan Martin
Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 202
Cell: 613-334-5923
Frequently Requested By-laws and Policies
By-law 20-619 Schedule of Fees 2020-06-03
By-law 16-517 Waste Management 2016-11-03
By-law 12-430 Keeping of Dogs 2012-12-06
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Plan 2012-11-19
Accountability and Transparency Policy 2008-07-07
Employee and Volunteer Police Records Check Policy 2008-07-09
Library of By-laws
This Article can be found on the following pages: By-law Enforcement, you may find other valuable infomation there.