District of Nipissing
Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

The Township of South Algonquin‘s organizational structure includes a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Clerk Treasurer who is supported by a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer. Together this group maintains the clerk and finance duties of the Township.

Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Treasurer

The CAO portion of the role is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the municipality and ensures programs and services are delivered efficiently and effectively. The CAO also ensures that policies and the direction of Council are implemented, and advises and informs Council on the operation and affairs of the municipality.

All municipal departments report to Council through the CAO.

The CAO oversees and directs the human, financial and physical resources of the Township to ensure Council’s initiatives are met.

The Clerk’s Department provides legislative and administrative support to the matters, procedures and decisions of Council and ensures the statutory requirements of the Municipal Act are met. ​​​​​​The Clerk’s Department prepares and retains official municipal records such as agendas, minutes, by-laws, and legal documents for the Township.

The Clerk also provides a number of statutory services:

  • By-laws
  • Council agendas and minutes
  • Commissioner of Oaths
  • Elections
  • Lottery Licenses
  • Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  • Policies
  • Request to Appear before Council

Deputy Clerk

The Deputy Clerk provides general administrative assistance to Department Heads ensuring that all municipal and legislative policies are met. The Deputy Clerk takes minutes, compiles payroll and accounts receivable and produces reports for Council and Committee meetings. Performs statutory duties and exercises the responsibilities of Deputy Clerk as assigned by the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer as outlined in the Deputy Clerk job description and in the Municipal Act, 2001.

Deputy Treasurer • Finance Department

The Finance Department performs all responsibilities assigned to the Treasurer in the Municipal Act, 2001 and Statutes on behalf of the municipality and in the manner directed by the Council of the municipality. These responsibilities include all financial affairs of the Township, specifically the annual municipal budget process, multi-year capital financial plan, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, property tax administration, investments, borrowing of funds and any other financial functions that may be required.

The Deputy Treasurer is responsible for keeping Council and Municipal Department Heads informed about relevant financial requirements, budget concerns and other pertinent information.

  • Asset Management Plan
  • Audited Financial Statements
  • Budget
  • Property Taxes
  • Tax Sales

Contact Information

CAO/Clerk Treasurer | Bryan Martin

Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 202
Cell: 613-334-5923
Email: clerk@southalgonquin.ca

Deputy Treasurer | Jennifer Baragar

Phone: 613-637-2650 EXT 201
Email: finance@southalgonquin.ca

This Article can be found on the following pages: Administration, you may find other valuable infomation there.
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