2024 By-Laws
2024-779 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2024-01-10
2024-780 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-01-29
2024-781 Shore Road Allowance Galeairy Lake 2024-02-08
2024-782 Interim Tax Billing 2024-02-08
2024-783 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-02-08
2024-784 Emergency Management Program 2024-03-19
2024-785 Emergency Response Plan By-Law 2024-03-19
2024-786 Asset Retirement Obligation Policy 2024-03-19
2024-787 Confirm proceedings of Council 2024-03-19
2024-788 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-04-04
2024-789 Adoption of the Official Plan 2024-05-06
2024-790 Establish 2024 Expenditures and Revenues 2024-05-06
2024-791 Tax Rates 2024-05-06
2024-792 Tax Ratios 2024-05-06
2024-793 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-05-06
2024-794 Council Remuneration 2024-06-17
2024-796 Appoint Fire Chief 2024-06-17
2024-795 Appoint Deputy Clerk 2024-06-17
2024-797 Development Agreement MV2024-01 Taylor 2024-06-17
2024-798 Development Agreement MV2024-02 O’Connor 2024-06-17
2024-799 HR Policy Bylaw 2024-06-17
2024-800 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-06-17
2024-801 – Additional Residential Units (ARU) Zoning By-law Amendment 2024-07-10
2024-802 Agreement Fisheries and Oceans – Galeairy Lake Boat Launch 2024-07-10
2024-803 Agreement AMO CCBF 2024-07-10
2024-804 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-07-10
2024-805 Zoning By-Law Amendment Short-Term Rental Accomodation 2024-07-10
2024-806 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-07-10
2024-807 Agreement Dog Pound 2024-09-05
2024-808 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-09-05
2024-809 Confirming Proceedings of Council 2024-10-03
2024-810 Establish & Regulate Fire By-Law 2024-11-19
2024-811 PSAP 911 OPP Agreement 2024-11-19
2024-812 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-11-19
2024-813 Grant Policy 2024-12-04
2024-814 Communication Policy 2024-12-04
2024-815 Confirm Proceedings of Council 2024-12-04
This Article can be found on the following pages: By-laws, you may find other valuable infomation there.