Once an Official Plan is approved, the Planning Act stipulates that a council shall revise the plan no less frequently than:
- ten years after it comes into effect as a new official plan; and
- every five years thereafter, unless the plan has been replaced by another new official plan
One of the primary purposes of undertaking the review is to ensures the Township’s Official Plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and that it has regard to matters of provincial interest.
The Official Plan Review also provides an opportunity for Council and the community to express their opinions about the Official Plan and to ensure that this key document continues to address local priorities and evolving community needs.
The Council is committed to reviewing and, where necessary, updating its Official Plan policies to ensure they remain current, consistent with Provincial legislation and policies, and reflective of local planning principles and objectives. This OP review and update will incorporate the 2020 updated Provincial Policy Statement to guide South Algonquin in making informed planning decisions consistent with provincial direction. Jp2g Consultant Inc, a professional planning firm has been retained by the Township to assist in this review.
This project is being completed in consultation with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing who is the approval authority for changes made to the Official Plan. In addition to broad agency consultation, the public is encouraged express their views on the Official Plan.
This Article can be found on the following pages: Official Plan Review, you may find other valuable infomation there.